Do you enjoy reading about speculative fiction as much as the stories themselves? Behind the scenes glimpses, author interviews, artists, conventions, contests, and book and TV reviews are all fair game for SpecFic Writer's "Other Worldly News" newsletter.
The latest issue of “Other Worldly News” from the Speculative Fiction Writers of the Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers is now available online. Access is free and contains news about members of the group, speculative fiction writers and books, and opportunities. Follow along with members who publish in many of the speculative fiction sub-genres including: science fiction, fantasy, horror, dystopian, weird west, fairy tales and more.
What is “speculative fiction,” or specific for the shorthand. It’s a genre of writing in which the setting is other than the real world, involving supernatural, futuristic, or other imagined elements. It changes the laws of what’s real or possible as we know them in our current society, and then speculates on the outcome.
Highlights include:
“A Word with SpecFic Writer Kayelle Allen,”,” Genre-hopping, super-productive author, publisher, and marketer.
Two new anthologies released in winter: Second Law and Joy to the Worlds.
Book review of White Trash Warlock, by David R Slayton, an hysterical, yet thoughtful, romp through a fantasy world
Why We Create Monsters: Horror writer, editor, and social media guide for the critique group Winnie Jean Howard conducts us through the attraction of horror stories.
Live Well and Prosper: SpecFic in the News
And more. Visit to read the Summer 2022 issue and sign up to get it regularly.