Round 1 Reading List
All the Whys of Delilah's Demise
by Neve Maslakovic
Before the Sun Hits
by Arthur Swan
Code of the Kyoushi
by James Litherland
by L.J. Cohen
Earth Warden
by Tyler Aston
by Aurora Springer
by C.A. Voss
Ignite the Shadows
by Ingrid Seymour
by Janet Swan
Inish Carraig
by Jo Zebedee
Lies the Guardians Tell
by Herman Steuernagel
Load Custom Character
by Tyler R. Lee
Nexus Point
by Krista Pimpinella
by Michele Amitrani
Predator Moons
by J.H. Ramsay
Psycho Hose Beast From
Outer Space
by C.D. Gallant-King
Quantum Dark
by R.A. Nargi
by Finn Mack
by Mikhaeyla Kopievsky
Seattle Quake 9.2
by Marti Talbott
Shadows of Mars
by I.O. Adler
Stray Cat Strut
by RavensDagger
The Brickweavers
by J.F. Williams
The Crafting of Chess
by Kit Falbo
The Elitist Supremacy
by Niranjan
The Lost Signal
by J.S. Fernández Morales
The Piranha Solution
by John Triptych
The Road from Antioch
by Pierre E. Pettinger, Jr.
Time's Alibi
by Husky Harlequin
by Knox & Bennett